Google Search just made art education much more interactive

Google Search just made art education much more interactive

Google Search is an amazingly spectacular thing. Google Arts and Culture is also amazingly spectacular. Wouldn’t it be great if they worked together in a fun and educational way? Now, they do.

Announced on Google’s own blog, “The Keyword”, searching and learning about art has just become a lot more interactive through the tech giant. While you could already search about specific pieces and get a pretty good understanding of them, the Google Search team has teamed up with Google Arts and Culture to make the experience even better.

Now, when you search for an artist, you can get an overview of their life, see a panel of high resolution photos of their works, and even see where their art is currently on display. If you can’t travel there yourself, you can always jump into Google street view and do a virtual museum tour to experience the pieces up close and personal. While you’re walking through, quick information about each piece will pop out, and you can click on the art you’re interested to take a closer look.

To do this, Google scanned over 15,000 unique pieces all over the world at participating museums, and used machine learning to index them, similar to how Google photos lets you search for people, places, or things. The whole process was nearly automated, and that’s pretty darn cool.

If you want to try it out, just search for your favorite artist and check out some pieces. There’s bound to be a plethora of works for you to zoom in and explore, and you might even learn something new about them while you’re at it.

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