Smaller 5.4in iPhone 12 ‘Revealed’ In Leaked Photos

Smaller 5.4in iPhone 12 ‘Revealed’ In Leaked Photos

Over the weekend, photos appeared online claiming to show the smaller 5.4in model of the upcoming iPhone 12. The photographs were originally published on the Chinese social network Weibo; there are indications that they were taken at the factory where the mobile phones are manufactured.

Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about the pictures is that they apper to show that the notch is roughly the same size as on current models, despite persistent rumours that it will be smaller.

As recently as a few days ago, it was discovered that iOS 14 has been adapted for a 5.4in screen with a resolution of 960 x 2079 pixels, giving a pixel density of 425 pixels per inch (ppi). By comparison, the iPhone 11 has a pixel density of 326ppi.

This article originally appeared on Macworld Sweden. Translation by David Price.


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