What is a podcast? How to listen and more explained

What is a podcast? How to listen and more explained

The Google Podcasts app - what is a podcast?

Podcasts have taken off in a huge way since the term was first coined in 2004. The word itself is just a portmanteau of iPod and broadcast, but in the age of smartphones the medium has really come into its own, rivaling pre-digital mediums like radio and TV.

But what is a podcast, exactly? Is it a radio talk show? A documentary series? A comedy special? The answer to all of these is yes!

We’ve put together this guide for the uninitiated, covering everything you need to know to start listening. Keep reading or use the content menu on the left to learn what podcasts are, how to listen to them, and more.

What is a podcast?

podcast on a pixel phone

A podcast is a digital audio file that you can download or stream via an internet connection on a number of devices. Although you can sometimes listen to them live as they are recorded, typically they are pre-recorded and edited before release.

You can think of them as radio for the 21st century, but there is no standard format or length. They can range from talk shows to audio dramas to language lessons to deep dives, with everything in between. Some podcasts, like the incredibly popular Joe Rogan Experience, even release video episodes alongside the standard audio episode.

Podcasts can range from just a few episodes to hundreds of episodes, and all apps and streaming services make it easy to subscribe to your favorite shows. Subscribing means you’ll always be up to date with the latest episodes as they’re released. Depending on the publisher, that could mean anything from once daily to once every few months. Shows that release both audio and video episodes have two separate feeds

They may also be broken into seasons like Serial, have limited runs like S-Town, or regular episodic releases like Vox’s Today, Explained. There really are very few rules for the medium, so the sky’s the limit when it comes to formats and topic selection.

Are podcasts free?

Are podcasts free? Google Podcasts app

Podcasts are almost always free. This is one of the few truly defining features of the medium. Although some of them release special episodes for listeners who support the show financially, the whole point of podcasting is to reach as wide an audience as possible, removing as many barriers as possible for potential listeners.

Some services might charge a fee for ad-free episodes.

Some podcasts might be exclusive to a certain platform like Spotify or Stitcher. These podcasts are still usually free, but can’t be downloaded or accessed from other platforms. These platforms typically offer a premium membership with benefits for exclusive podcasts, like bonus episodes, early access, or ad-free downloads.

How do podcasts make money?

If podcasts are free, then you might be wondering how they make money. The honest truth is that many podcast do not make money, and are made at least initially as a fan project. The low-cost format lends itself nicely to niche interests, and as of 2020 there are well over a million podcasts with tens of millions of episodes to listen to.

Obviously the goal of professional podcasters is to make money, and there are a few ways to do it. Most podcasts make money by taking sponsorships and including advertisements. Like radio, these are typically inserted in short commercial breaks during the episode. Others, like BBC, are at least partially financed by governments or other organizations.

How do you listen to podcasts?

Headphones on desk

There are a number of ways to listen to podcasts on your computer, smartphone, or smart home device. You can even listen to podcasts on modern gaming consoles and smart TVs. Odds are if the device has a speaker or headphone jack, you can listen to podcasts on it.

We recommend listening on your phone, since you’re more likely to have it with you, but if you prefer watching episodes with video you might want to watch it on your computer on YouTube. Regardless, make sure you’re on Wi-Fi when you stream or download episodes as they can chew through your data!

How to listen to podcasts on Android:

How to listen to podcasts on iPhone:

  • Open the pre-installed Podcasts app.
  • Download and open any of a number of podcast apps for iOS.
  • Open Siri and say “Play (podcast name)” or similar.

How to listen on your computer:

  • Navigate to the podcast’s website and click play.
  • Listen on Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, or any number of streaming services.

How to listen on a smart home device:

  • Activate your device and say “Play (podcast name)” or similar.

How do I start a podcast?

How to make a podcast: equipment

At its base, a podcast is just an audio file, which sets the barrier of entry very low if you want to start your own. In fact, once you have an idea and topic you can technically record, edit, and publish an episode using just your smartphone! It won’t sound great, but it can be a good way to test the waters without purchasing any additional hardware.

It might seem trivial, but coming up with an idea is often the most difficult part of the process. There are millions of episodes of friends talking about their daily lives, and while we don’t want to discourage you from recording whatever you like, you should be realistic about audience sizes if you want to build an audience.

Obviously, most serious podcasters invest in equipment like podcasting microphones, headphones, and audio software to make their podcasts sound as good as possible. Check out the article below for more details about how you can start a podcast from the comfort of your own home.

Read also: How to start a podcast from home

Once you have a good concept for your creation and the equipment to record high quality audio, the next thing you need to find is an audience. If it’s a niche topic, sharing your episodes in niche communities is a great way to spread the word. When things get more serious, you should also consider joining a podcast network.

What is a podcast network?

A podcast network is a group of podcasts that work together to build a larger distribution network, enhance relationships with advertisers, or even share production costs. Not only does this make a host’s job easier, it can also expand their reach with cross-promotion.

This arrangement is also great for advertisers, since they can negotiate with a single entity for ads on variety of shows about different topics. These tasks aren’t typically what podcasters get into the business to do, so they can in turn focus on what they do best: making more great episodes.

Joining a network is almost always worth it for new creators, but you should make sure to join one that fits your topic and style. That said, if you want your podcast to be accepted, you’ll need a great idea and an even better pitch.

Here’s a short list of some of the most prestigious podcast networks around with links to their websites:

What are the best podcasts?

What are the best podcasts

The best podcasts for you to listen to will depend heavily on what you’re interested in. Nowadays, there are millions of shows to choose from, with tens of millions of episodes already published. No matter what niche interest you have, there’s probably a podcast for it if you do a little searching.

If you just want to test the waters, we’ve put together a variety of lists based on genre or network. Most apps and streaming services also have a list of the most downloaded shows, so this can also be a good source of recommendations. Pick your favorites from the list below and start listening right away!

Via Phandroid

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