Will Apple Cancel WWDC Because Of The Coronavirus Outbreak?

Will Apple Cancel WWDC Because Of The Coronavirus Outbreak?

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference is due to take place in June, and is traditionally where the company unveils the latest versions of iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and macOS, alongside giving developers the chance to work with Apple experts. This year could be different, though, as the current spread of the coronavirus means the event may have to take place behind closed doors or not at all.

In this article we explore the key question: will Apple cancel WWDC?

Why would WWDC be cancelled?

The coronavirus outbreak that started in Wuhan in December 2019 (known as COVID-19) has wreaked havoc on international travel and mass public meetings. Italy has recently announced that it intends to close all schools for 10 days, while Serie A football matches will be played without crowds for the next month or so. Other countries are imposing their own restrictions, with some calling for the closure of borders, all in an effort to prevent the virus from spreading further.

The tech industry is no exception, with Mobile World Congress (the largest trade show for smartphones) already cancelled back in February, Google announcing that its annual I/O show will no longer be going ahead, Facebook shelving this year’s F8 event, and Microsoft moving some conferences online.

All eyes are now on Apple, as the June event at its campus is a huge draw for developers all across the globe.

There are already reports that due to Apple’s reliance on production in China, the new products expected to be released in 2020 could suffer from delays and smaller numbers of available units. You can read more about this potential issue in How coronavirus is impacting Apple (and you).

Will Apple Cancel WWDC: Tim Cook at WWDC 2019

Will Apple cancel WWDC?

The risks of hosting an event in an enclosed space, with attendees from countries where numerous cases of the coronavirus have been reported, are self-evident. One of the best ways to contain an epidemic and stop it becoming a pandemic is to limit travel and avoid mass gatherings.

With WWDC usually scheduled in the first week of June, enough time may have passed by then for the outbreaks to be brought under control. But with no treatment or vaccine for coronavirus currently available, there are no guarantees that this will be the case.

Apple now stages its major events in a purpose-built auditorium on the Apple campus. From here the company can stream the keynote speeches, so if concerns about coronavirus become too great, WWDC could be conducted as a live internet broadcast that wouldn’t require attendees to make the trip to California. Of course, missing out on the time developers traditionally spend with Apple experts would be a setback, but again the biggest tech company in the world is sure to be able to come up with a solution that can work around this problem.

Everything depends on how the virus continues to spread and we’re sure Tim Cook and his senior executives will be closely monitoring the situation in order to make the wisest decision.

To keep up to date with any statements from Apple you can visit its Newsroom page.

If you’re wondering what is due to be unveiled at the show, then you should also take a look at When is WWDC 2020 and what will Apple launch?

What should I do if I think I have the coronavirus?

If you think you may have contracted the coronavirus, there are a few resources that can give you the best advice to self-diagnose your condition and take further steps.

The World Health Organisation has a page dedicated to the virus and you’ll also find up-to-date information on the NHS website. Be sure to read them before you go to an emergency room or your GP as you may be spreading the condition or heading to places where other people may be infected.


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