How to use Netflix Party – how to remotely share Netflix movies

How to use Netflix Party – how to remotely share Netflix movies

It used to be DVDs and now it’s on-demand movies streamed online, but all of us will have at some point sat down with friends to enjoy a film. During lockdown, doing so is tricky – but not impossible.

Netflix Party is a Chrome extension that allows you to watch the same film as your friends at exactly the same time and chat onscreen while you do so. If you’re the kind of person who can’t watch a film without discussing the plotline it could make nights in alone much more sociable.

Another down side to Netflix Party is that all friends must either have their own Netflix account or access to one.

For Netflix Party to work you’ll all need to be running the Chrome browser and the Netflix Party extension. You will need to use the desktop version of Chrome, since extensions aren’t supported on mobile versions.

To get started with Netflix Party head to and click the Install Netflix Party. Click Add to Chrome in the next screen – you’ll notice an NP icon appears at the top right of your browser window.

Now open Netflix and begin playing a film. Click the NP icon at the top of the window. By default everyone invited can control the Netflix Party, but you can change this by ticking the box. To start the Netflix Party click Start the party. 

Netflix Party

This pop-up will now offer a shareable link that you can send to your friends. Click Copy URL to add it to your clipboard, then paste it into an email or instant message to your friends.

Netflix Party

You and your friends can chat with each other simply by typing into the field to the right of the movie and hitting Enter.

Netflix Party

To end the Netflix Party click on the NP icon again and choose Disconnect.

Via Techadvisor

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