Nokia Smartphones & phones Q4 2017 sales/shipments/ranking figures

Nokia Smartphones & phones Q4 2017 sales/shipments/ranking figures

We last reported about Nokia handsets (Phones and smartphones) Q4 shipments via Counterpoint Research and the analyst firm was still processing their raw data. We now have the final Q4 Nokia shipment figures sent to us by Counterpoint Research team and it looks much better than what we reported earlier.

The growth in Nokia handset shipments in Q4 2017 on a QoQ basis is even sharper with 25.1 million overall units shipped. This means a 54% growth over Q3 2017 when 16.3 million Nokia handsets were shipped by HMD. Check the Q3 2017 report by clicking here.

Coming to the feature-phones Nokia was the top brand with 20.7 million shipments in Q4 2017. In case of smartphones Nokia was ranked 11th among all vendors with 4.4 million shipments. HMD was ranked 6th among handset vendors in Q4 2017 on the basis of this updated and final sales performance report.

Check the full report below.

Q4 2017 final Nokia Sales report:

Device Type Ranking Shipment
Handset 6th 25.1  
Smartphone 11th 4.4  
Feature Phone 1st 20.7  

“Nokia HMD has quickly climbed up the ladder in terms of shipments and ranking. While it reached the top spot in the feature phone market with-in a year of re-launch, it is well on track to enter the top 10 smartphone brands list as well in the coming quarters.”

Counterpoint Research highlights Nokia brand quickly climbing to the top spot in the feature-phone market within a year of the re-launch under HMD and also knocking at the door of top 10 smartphone brands’ club.

As per an earlier report from IDC around 1.5 million Nokia Smartphones were shipped in H1 2017 worldwide. Another report from Counterpoint Research claimed that 2.8 million Nokia Android Smartphones and 13.5 million Nokia Feature phones were shipped by HMD in Q3 2017.

So, now it seems 8.7 million Nokia Android smartphones were shipped in the year 2017. That seems like a solid start.

A recent report covering the Indian market from Counterpoint Research had given 6% feature phone market share and 5th rank among the feature phone vendors to Nokia (HMD).

Industry watchers like Strategy Analytics are also showing confidence in HMD’s strategy by betting Nokia Phones to one of the drivers of smartphone shipment growth in 2018.

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