Kim Hee Sun "width =" 1000 "height =" 562 "srcset =" -content / uploads / 2017/08 / 20170814_JTBC-1.png 1000w, 645w, http: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2017/08 / 20170814_JTBC-1-390×220.png 390w "sizes =" (max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px "/>
JTBC drama 'elegance
While the 'classy woman' has been receiving spectacular reactions from viewers every time, her elegance and smartness
In the 18th episode of 'Dignified She' that was broadcast on the last 12 days, she is interested in the luxurious styling of ' Feminine It is a one-of-a-kind office look with a fashion businesswoman downforce in the play.It has a dark-tone inner and wide pants with a checkered pink jacket, and I gave it a point in the same tone.
On the other hand, 'Distinguished She' is broadcast on JTBC every Friday and Saturday night at 11 o'clock, and only twice to the end of the show Leaving
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