The Nokia 8/Nokia 9 confusion and what we know about it

The Nokia 8/Nokia 9 confusion and what we know about it

We have been posting a lot about the upcoming flagship Nokia 9 in recent times and we also told you that Nokia 9 may come out in July via our sources. Now, we recently reported a rumor claiming that the flagship Nokia Android Phone will be out as Nokia 8 and not Nokia 9. But then we reported via reliable sources that Nokia 8 will be the top mid-ranger with Snapdragon 660 powering its core.

So, how to deal with this Nokia 8/Nokia 9 confusion?? Actually, there are three possible scenarios here.

Scenario 1:

The 4GB RAM variant of Nokia Flagship comes as Nokia 8 and the 6GB RAM variant may be launched as Nokia 9. This scenario is confusing as we have caught Nokia Android Phones under testing with three new processors hinting at Snapdragon 630 and 660 for mid-range along with Snapdragon 835 for the top-end.

So, if these two are Nokia 8/Nokia 9, Nokia 7 should come with two variants with different processors. This doesn’t look like a valid scenario, considering how HMD plonked a trusted processor SD 430 in both Nokia 5 and Nokia 6.

Scenario 2:

Nokia 8 comes with SD 660 and Nokia 9 has two variants with 4GB and 6GB RAM respectively. This scenario is quite valid considering we saw TA-1004 (4GB RAM) and TA-1012 (4GB/6GB RAM) both appearing as a pair in Russian certification hinting at them both belonging to the same device. The possibility here is that the 6GB RAM variant of Nokia 9 may be like Arte Black with higher pricing than the 4GB RAM variant.

And this is consistent with the findings of Nokia Phones prototypes with three new processors being tested internally.

Scenario 3:

The flagship with Snapdragon 835 is launched as and only Nokia 8. That will again be quite surprising, as we don’t think that the moniker Nokia 8 is the flagship in HMD’s naming scheme. Nokia 9 fits the bill for the ultimate high-end flagship with Snapdragon 835 leaving space for two higher-end mid-rangers Nokia 7, Nokia 8 to exist in the lineup.

What we actually know:

What we know so far is that a Nokia Flagship with 4GB/6GB RAM variants and two mid-rangers with Snapdragon 630/660 are in works. The flagship Nokia smartphone will be the first to arrive and may be launched as early as July. We have also heard from reliable sources that HMD will try to release the flagship device within one moth after launch.

We will put our faith in “Nokia 9 name for the flagship” as high as 80%. But even if it comes as Nokia 8, it will be the same flagship that we have reported widely as Nokia 9 and you can read its full details including specs, design, images, video and an exclusive Arte Black render by clicking here.

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